As a Christian, I’m sure you’ve heard the term “New Creation in Christ” before. The Bible says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV). This is a foundational truth in Christianity. This is one of the first verses the counselor taught me when I accepted Christ. And I am sure it’s the same with many of you. But what does it really mean?
In this article, we will, with the help of the Spirit of God, explore the depths of what it means to be a New Creation in Christ Jesus. Using the Scripture, we will delve deeper into what it means to be born again and what it means to become a member of God’s Family. Whether you are a long-time spirit-filled believer, a veteran pastor, or new to Christianity, this article will provide a revelatory understanding of this critical foundation of our faith. Even if you are sure you know everything will be discussed below, I plead with you to come along and hear what the Spirit wants to say to us all.
Explanation of the term “New Creation in Christ Jesus.”
The Bible teaches us that when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that instant, we become new creatures in Him. This means that the old creation has passed away and does not exist anymore, and everything has become new.
Note that he did not say the old will pass away, But that the old has already passed away. Not that what is broken will be fixed, or that the corrupt and filthy will be washed and cleansed, but that they have been discarded. (Read more on this in the article: “New Creation: The Old is Gone,The New Has Come”
This scripture means the old man of sin has died and is completely gone, and God gave birth to a new man and set him in his place.
But What Does It Mean to Be a New Creation in Christ?
Nicodemus’ encounter with Jesus in John 3:1-21 gives us a significant insight into the meaning of the new birth and the new creation. In this encounter, where Jesus taught Nicodemus about the new birth. The Lord Jesus said: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
The statement shocked Nicodemus, a top-class Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin, who believed that by virtue of his birthright as a Jew, he was already a member of the Kingdom of God. This was a term Nicodemus had been familiar with since childhood. But now, this young carpenter’s son, a Teacher from Nazareth of all places, tells him to his face that unless he’s born again, born from above, he will not see the Kingdom of God!
“What does that even mean?” Nicodemus considered quietly. Looking confused, he asks defensively, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born? (John 3:4).
The new birth is a miraculous work of re-creation that God performs on everyone who comes to Jesus for salvation. The individual’s spirit or the `inner man of the heart` is instantly recreated by God, and the old man is totally discarded.
Born-Again Believers are New Creatures in Christ
The new birth is not an honorary title given to some religious folks who go to church and try to follow some moral code. The Scripture uses this to identify those who have truly experienced a supernatural birth from God the Father. They are no longer the children of Adam by birth; they are now children of God. Their former self died with Christ, and the new self has been created by God in Christ Jesus.
It is important to understand that born-again believers are children of God by birth. The second birth. In the first birth, they were born in Adam, and by Adam’s transgression, they became children of the devil and possessed satanic nature. Then they came to Christ, accepted the gift of eternal life, and passed from death to life. “And as in Adam all die, so in Christ, these all have been made alive”. By accepting Jesus as their Savior, the old inner man of the heart is discarded, and God gives birth to a new being and puts that ‘new creature’ in them. The man who existed before they encountered Christ and accepted Salvation is no more. That man died, and a new man has been created and put inside his body.
Born-Again Believers are “Blood Family Members” in the God’s House
The new birth is nothing less than the birth of an actual “heavenly being,” a newly born spirit, a child of the Father God. This is the foundation of almost everything in Christianity. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins”. Therefore, you and me, Dear believer, are “blood siblings,” heirs of God and joint heirs with our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
There are no honorary members in the Family of God; all are children of the Father, born into the Family. We are all blood siblings. Born-again believers are children of God, true and true, and are all partakers of God’s divine nature.
Born-Again Believers Are Not Adopted Children of God: They are Home-Born
It should be clear from the above that born-again Christians are NOT children of God by adoption. If they were, they would not be partakers of the Father’s divine nature. In fact, they would still have the nature of their father, the devil, and could never approach God, not even within a billion-mile separation distance. If believers were not born of God, the Holy would not have baptized them into the Body of Christ, which is the 1st of the Three Baptisms.
Can you see how preposterous it is to even suggest that we, Children of God, are in His Family by adoption? And that the Father God is the father of a family of children who have satanic nature and not God’s DNA. Adoption of sonship, in Scripture, is something beautiful for the New Creation, but it’s totally a different revelation. We are Children of God by birth, and are all “Blood related Family Members” including JESUS the firstborn, the Beginning and the End, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
You are a Totally New Creation
When God discusses the new birth, or to be born again, He’s not talking patchwork or a gathering and putting back together of some broken pieces, but a ‘totally New Creation. The old man is trashed and totally discarded, and God creates a new man. He puts away the old, and creates and establishes the new.
When we heard the Good News, the Gospel of Salvation, and we believed and accepted Jesus as our Savior and confessed Him as our Lord; at that moment God performed in us an instant miracle of creation similar to what He did with Adam in the beginning.
God the Father Gave Birth to You and Me
So many people talk glibly about the salvation experience, being ignorant as to what happened to the believer at the new birth. The Lord Jesus said Ye must be born-again, this time not of the flesh, but of the Spirit. Just as when a woman gives birth, an actual new human baby is brought into the world, in the same manner when a man is born-again, God delivers out of His own loins an offspring of Himself, of His own kind, destined to grow up into the fullness of Christ.
That Which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit
According to Romans 8:9-11, those who are born of the Spirit are spiritual beings. Let’s listen carefully to what the Lord Jesus said in the 6th verse of John Chapter 3: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again” (John 3:6).
In the verse quoted above,what did John say is born of the Spirit?
In the first birth, the natural birth, we understand He said that which is born of the flesh is flesh. He then stated that the second birth is of the Spirit (verse 5), that is, the second birth is spiritual. In verse 6, what did He say is born of the Spirit?
Yes, you got it! That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. It is your spirit, the inner man, the hidden man of the heart, that was born again, born of the Spirit (God’s Spirit) at the new birth. So, the New Birth is a rebirth of the spirit man.
At New Birth, Your Body and Mind Were Not Born-Again
As discussed above, only your inner man was born again by the Spirit of God. Your body was not born again; neither was your mind. Only your spirit was born-again and became a New Creation in Christ Jesus. It is similar to Adam’s creation when God ’breathed’ the breath of life into a new, beautifully shaped clay, and Adam became a living soul. The new you, your spirit-man, came from God at the instant of new birth. But unlike Adam’s case, you did not get a newly created body. That is yet to come. It’s on its way and will arrive at the appearance of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
So, the new birth is a bringing forth of a new creation in God’s class. It’s a creature that came from God’s breath. It’s an actual birth of a spirit being who becomes the inner man of one who accepts Jesus as the savior. He becomes the new you, and the new me who believes in Jesus.
Now, Begin to Renew Your Mind With the Word
Being a new creation in Christ Jesus means that you have been reborn spiritually and become part of the family of God. Renewing your mind is an ongoing process that involves not conforming to the world, setting your mind on things above, and implementing Jesus’ teachings. Renewing your mind can be done through the power of the Holy Spirit, which helps you think and act in new ways. Studying and applying the Word of God is essential for renewing your mind. As you read and meditate on the Bible, its truths will begin to transform your thinking and actions. Remember, becoming a new creation in Christ is just the beginning of the journey. Now, begin to renew your mind with the Word of God and put on your new self daily.
And Put Your Body Under the Control of the Spirit
According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, believers are made new in Christ, and they must put their bodies under the control of the Spirit to live a life of peace and blessings. This control is established through surrendering to the perfect will of God in one’s life, which leads to good fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. The control of the Holy Spirit can transform believers into the image of Christ, enabling them to become full of the fruit of the Spirit and, ultimately, be more Christ-like. Therefore, it is essential for believers to live their lives under the control of the Holy Spirit and let God’s will be done in their lives.
How does one become a new creation in Christ Jesus?
Becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus is a concept described in the Bible that’s achieved by believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and making Him the Lord of your life. This is also known as being “born again.” According to Galatians 2:20, when you are born again, you become a new creation as the old self is transformed, and you become one with Christ. By surrendering to Him, you become a new person with a new life in Him. This new creation means that you are no longer a slave to sin and have a choice to turn away from it. As followers of Christ, we should aim to grow in our faith and become more like Him, living according to His ways and not our own.
In summary, being a new creation in Christ refers to accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and being born again spiritually. It means that you have been transformed in every way, shape, or form. When we believe that Jesus paid the price for our sins, we can ask him to come into our lives, wash us clean, and change our nature through the Holy Spirit. We become part of God’s family and are now home-born as His children. The Holy Spirit begins a work in us to renew our minds and help us live according to God’s purposes. If you have never experienced this transformation in your life, it is as simple as opening your heart to Jesus, asking for forgiveness, and believing that He has made you new. Start reading the bible to learn more about God’s love and plan for you
For Additional Reading:
- ALTAR-Offering Our Lives, a Living Sacrifice
- How to Receive Divine Healing from God
- What Does It Mean to Know JESUS
- Believing Is Seeing
- Not One Feeble Person Among their Tribe
- How to Fight the Good Fight of Faith
- The People that Know Their God.
- More Than a Conqueror
- Power and Authority
- Let Them Have Dominion
- Exercising Dominion
- I Know His Name
- You Can Be Led By the Holy Spirit
- Name Above All Names | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)
- Both Lord And Christ | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)
- The King Is Coming | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)
- LORD of Lords | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)