When we think of living in God’s house, many people often think of the grandeur of the ancient Temple. But what does it mean to live in God’s house today? In this write-up, we’ll look at the example of Samuel, a young man who grew up living in the Temple, and how his life can inspire us to abide in the Presence of God. So, read on and discover ways to cultivate a deeper relationship with God.
What does it mean to Live in God’s House?
To live in the Lord’s house is to have a continual consciousness of being in God’s presence. It is a desire to be constantly mindful of the Lord and His will for our lives. Dwelling in the house of the Lord involves having a conscious attitude of reverence and awe toward Him as we seek to obey Him.
To live in God’s house is to abide in His presence with a heart of worship and praise. In other words, we perform priestly duties of worshiping, singing praises, and offering sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to Him in the Holy Sanctuary. No wonder David sang this beautifully in Psalm 84 verse 4 saying: “Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!” Psalm 84:4)
Where Does God Live and With Whom?
The scripture says: “Thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit,…” (Isaiah 57:15). God dwells with and in the hearts of the humble ones, who have been made righteous by faith(Romans 10:6, Hebrews 11:6). The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the House of God.
Samuel Lived and Grew Up in the God’s House
Let’s consider the example of Samuel who was dedicated to the Lord as a child by his parents. He lived and grew in the Temple from childhood into a mighty prophet of God. Elkanah his father was a devout man who went to the house of God in Shiloh annually to worship. On one of the visits, his wife Hannah, who was barren, earnestly prayed to the Lord for a child and her request was granted.
After Samuel was born, Hannah took her three-year-old son to the Temple and gave him to the Lord to fulfill her vow. This is what Hannah said:
“I asked the LORD to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the LORD, and he will belong to the LORD his whole life.” (1 Samuel 1:27-28).
Samuel Lived in the Temple and Served the Lord from a Young Age
“Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD in the presence of Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision” (1 Sam. 3:1).
He began serving the Lord at a tender age, living permanently in the house of God. And this was at a crucial time in Israel’s history when the people had forsaken the true God. The priests were dragging the name of God in the mud. And God was about to raise a new priest who would serve Him and take heed to His Law. So the little boy wore priest’s clothing (linen Ephod) and slept in the Sanctuary where the Ark of God was. It was there the word of God came to the child.
We Will Serve God Better If We Live in His House
An obvious requirement for forming a close relationship is that the individuals need to be in proximity to one another. In Samuel’s example, he lived in a physical house of God in Shiloh and slept close to the Ark of the Covenant.
Therefore, we Christians will be more effective in serving God better if we live in His presence. If we dwell in His presence we will know His voice and partake of His mind. If we dwell in His house He will, like with Samuel, call us, speak to us and reveal His mind to us. This will gradually develop into a relationship whereby we intimately know His voice and know His will.
Advance to the Next Level
If you’d like to take your service and worship of God to the next level, you need to be conscious of the Presence of God. Train yourself on being aware of God more and more each day. Be more and more God-conscious. Meditate upon His words. Think of His goodness and mercy in your life every hour. Sing of love. These above will keep your consciousness of His Presence alive and fresh throughout the day. Live in His Presence and experience His peace.
Our Prayers Will Always Be Answered If We Abide There
A significant proportion of our prayers are unanswered because we do not know the mind of Christ. Most of us never take time to get acquainted with the Lord whom we claim to spend so much time serving. We are too busy with much serving that we have no time for prayer and fasting, and no time to meditate on the word of the Lord. And therefore, the Presence of God is foreign to many of us.
But if we practice being in the Presence of God, we will start a relationship that will grow in intimacy. And as we grow closer, it will become a habit like that of Jesus. And this is what will make our prayers operate at 100% efficiency By this we will be lifted to the realm where we live in His will and our prayers are always answered. “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7).
We Will Become Familiar with His Voice, And Hear Him Daily
In line with the discussion above, many of us need to make time to sit at Christ’s feet and learn His ways. Otherwise, when He calls we may not be able to hear. The hurly-burly of activities in daily life is sufficient to prevent us from hearing Him. But those who set time apart to listen to His voice will always hear and know His will. Therefore His desire will be their guide. These would ask what they will and it will be granted unto them because they know the will of God. In addition, they have become one with God’s will. They know His voice because they are acquainted with Him from much time spent at His feet listening to Him.
His Sheep Know His Voice, They will not Follow a Stranger
There are so many voices in the world today. Never in human history were there so many clamoring to be heard. Every imaginable scheme and device is put forth to arouse the masses and gain public interest. This clamor of voices is by no means confined to salesmen, but also the cacophony of voices of the religious establishments. It is incessant, unceasing day and night.
The only people who will not be deceived are those who know the voice of Christ, the great Shepherd of the sheep. These can shut out all these strange voices and hear the voice of the true Shepherd clearly and distinctly. These are His sheep and “a stranger they will not follow, for they know not the voice of strangers.” I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. (John 10:14)
Our Eyes and Ears Will Be Openned And We Will Receive a Revelation of Jesus Christ
“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.” No one can know the Son unless the Holy Ghost reveals Him to the person. Revelation is an unveiling. The message here is that the gospel is founded on the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not by “academic” knowledge but by the revelation of the Spirit.
Upon This Rock, Will I Build My Church
The Church is built on the revelation of Jesus Christ. The whole Bible is based on revelation. Your salvation is by the revelation of Jesus Christ. No man can say Jesus is the Christ unless by the revelation of the Holy Ghost. Not by natural knowledge, nor revealed by ‘flesh and blood’ but by the Spirit.
The Church of Jesus Christ is founded and built on the revelation of Jesus Christ. This is what the Lord was saying to Peter and the disciples in the great message presented in Matt 16:15-19. The Church is built on the revelation that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God.
“For the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.”
Let’s return to the third chapter of Samuel. The chapter tells us that a true revelation from the Lord was rare in those days in Israel. And that Samuel was living in God’s presence, ministering to Him. But when the Lord called the child, he didn’t know who it was, because there were no revelations nor open visions in those days. The seventh verse tells us: “Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him.” It took God calling him four times before he, on Eli’s advice, responded by saying, “speak Lord, for thy servant heareth”
Samuel’s Upward Progression in the God’s Presence
Samuel began with no revelation and ended with the Lord speaking to him. In other words, he began as a child and ended as a mature man and prophet of the Lord. God is saying that we too can start not knowing how to hear from God, but become one to whom God would reveal His mind. The last verse of this third chapter tells us more about this. It says: “And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh: for the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.”
And it was this same Samuel, who became the man of God in Israel. His prophecy laid the foundation of the kingdom of Israel under king Saul and later under king David.
The Blessing of Revelation Knowlege is Reserved for Those Who Dwell in His Presence
There are many benefits of living in God’s house. Living in the presence of God is an awesome and glorious privilege.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation(Psalm 24).
This is the generation of them that seek him
One who seeks His face and ministers to God receives blessings from Him; one major blessing is the revelation of Jesus Christ from the Spirit. No wonder the Lord Jesus told Peter, “BLESSED art thou Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood, hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” The greatest blessing comes to us through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
God Will Reveal Himself to the ‘Company’ that Ministers to Him in Truth in His Temple
In this church age, there is an abundance of words, sermons, talks, and even prophecies, but a genuine word from God is rare. However, there is a “Samuel Company” in the making, ministering to God in the court of Eli. The child is not part of Eli’s priesthood but one that’s devoted unto the Lord. Eli is old, fat, and blind, and he’s still carrying on as always. And his “sons in the ministry” standing in the office of the priests are complacently ministering to themselves, ignorant of the “Ichabod” sign stamped on their gates.
Indeed, the Lord will make Himself known to this ‘unrecognized son company’. Because this “Samuel Company” has been dwelling in presence of God and is developing a close relationship with Him. It is to them that the Most High will give the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Living in God’s house today might look different than it did in biblical times, but the core principles remain the same. If we follow the example of Samuel and learn to abide in the Presence of God, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. We can achieve this by spending time praying, studying, and meditating on God’s Word.
If we live in God’s presence continually from today, we will automatically experience His protection, shelter, joy, peace, provision, and revelation in a more profound way. So why not take up this challenge and begin to live each day abiding in the Presence of the Almighty?
This Page is one of 4 Articles under the Message Topic “Abiding In God’s Presence”, The links for all 4 including this one are given BELOW