The ’New Creation’ man is a triune being and God has provided for Him a Physician who is also a specialist in every all areas of health and well-being. God made provision for his total being, spirit, soul, and body. John the beloved Apostle wrote to us about it saying,
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3Jn 1:2).
Healing and divine health is part of the work that our Lord Jesus completed for us by His suffering from His trial in the Court of Pilate until He said “It is finished” on the cross. These, and including all the work of redemption, our debt that He paid with His Blood, the Crucifixion, His Burial, His Resurrection, and His Ascension are all packaged in the Gospel for our benefit. We can access them all by faith, for the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth
the Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation
the Gospel is the power of God unto Healing
the Gospel is the power of God unto Deliverance
the Gospel is the power of God unto Peace and Rest
the Gospel is the power of God unto Provision and Prosperity
the Gospel is the power of God unto Mental and Intellectual Wholeness
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastise- ment of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (Isa 53:4,5).
Every Christian believes that God dealt with the sin problem by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who shed His blood, died on the cross in our place, was buried, and rose up from the dead for our justification. Children of God have no problem believing that God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, and that it was on the cross that “God laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (2Cor 5:21, Isa 53:6).
Why then is it so difficult for us, children of God, to believe the rest of the redemptive work that Christ did for us in those same hours while He was on the cross?
For when He took care of our sins, He also took care of our sicknesses. He was chastised for us, slapped, flogged, and received those horrifying Roman flesh-ripping lashes, thirty-nine times, for us. He took them all. Those wounds, those bruises, those stripes and those ripped-flesh gashes, were to buy us complete health and wholeness in, our body, mind, and soul.
“When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” (Matt 8:16,17).
If you can believe that God laid your iniquities on Him—and because of that you have salvation—then you should believe healing is your, since the same passage tells you that He was wounded so that healing would be yours. Read the passage from 3 different translations and meditate on them until faith arises in your heart.. Isaiah 53:2 Three Bible Translations:
• NIV “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed”.
• Good News Translation “But he endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that his suffering was punishment sent by God. But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received”.
• Berean Study Bible: “Surely He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes, we are healed”.
Is there another passage of Scripture where God says the same thing about our healing? This will be a second witness from the Bible, and at the mouth of every 2 or 3 witnesses shall this word be confirmed. What does the 17th verse of the 8th Chapter of Matthew say?
“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.”
New Walk, New Attitude
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to
For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Rom 1:16,17).
The natural man walks by sight and is led by the five senses for the inner eyes are gone due to the fall. He’s deaf, blind and dumb, as far as the things of the Spirit is concerned. But the New Creation in Christ has now been restored to the life of God and the eyes of his spirit are widely open. God expect His children therefore, not to walk like mere men of the world, nor judge things by the five senses but to walk by faith. As He said, the Just shall live by faith. He wants us to walk by faith, not by sight.
So, then what is Faith? Faith is acting like what God has said is the absolute truth. Faith is acting upon His word, acting like God has told you the infallible truth. It affirms the integrity of God and His Word. The basis for Faith is the word that God has spoken. If God hasn’t spoken it, there is no basis for faith with respect to that topic. Faith is not a leap in the dark an unreal make-believe, but a well grounded substance. Faith is a substance. Though a substance in the realm which natural men and women have no access to. The Epistle to the Hebrews defines Faith as:
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 1:1 KJV)
Now faith is a well-grounded assurance of that for which we hope, and a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see (Heb 1:1 Weymouth)
Faith is real, and it’s the evidence of the things in the invisible realm.
It is the ’substance’ you can hold on to during the interim while what you have prayed which you can see with the eyes of faith, is traversing from the invisible realm into the physical or visible realm. This is what God did at Creation. In the beginning the earth was empty, then God said “Let there be…”; and whatever He called appeared, coming from the invisible realm to the visible. God did not make the things we see out of nothing, God through faith “created the things that are seen out of the things which are unseen. When He said “Let there be Light”; Light came out from the realm of God who is Spirit, and Who dwell in Light unapproachable, whom no man has seen nor can see. All the seen things in creation came out of the unseen realm. God wants the New Creation man to live and walk like Him. Faith calleth those things that be not(in the visible realm) as though they were, because faith already sees them in the unseen realm.
Faith is of the spirit. It is a product of the New Creation man and grows in his heart as he stands on the word which God has spoken. Faith is not a product of reason, logic or human intelligence. It is believing and acting upon what God has said. When we hear the word of God and we believe, then we act in line with that word. That acting on the word is faith. Saying we believe without action is not faith. The world says: “Seeing is believing”, but the Lord Jesus says, “If you believe, you shal see the glory of God”. With Him, “Believing is Seeing”
So how can we get faith:
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:14-17)
Study and prayerfully meditate on the promises of God, your inheritance, your heritage, your benefits, and the delegated authority you’re entitled to in the Name of Jesus and begin to walk in them. Start with walking in His righteousness. Be righteousness-conscious, for the Scriptures say–Christ is your righteousness, and you are the righteousness of God in Him.
As we discussed earlier, the Name of Jesus belongs to the Body of Christ. So if you’re a New Creation in Christ, that “Wonderful Name” belongs to you.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Yes, there’s a Name above every name, and that’s the Name of Jesus. Heaven, earth, and hell must bow to the authority in that Name. Jesus has been exalted above all kingdoms, above all power, above all dominion, above all principalities, and above every name is named. And so is His Name. And He has given us the authority to use His Name.
Because of the above fact, we can rebuke devils in the Name of Jesus, and they have to obey. We can command sickness and diseases to go in the Name of Jesus and they will obey the authority in the Name. If you are sick, you can lay your hand on wherever the problem is nd receive your healing in the Name of Jesus. You can do the same for your child, or husband, or wife, or mother, or sister or even your father. You can lay hands on those that are sick and pray for their healing in the Name of Jesus, and they will recover. There is power in the Name of Jesus.