Not A Hoof Will Be Left Behind- Claim The Promises of God: Part I
Egypt was in total darkness. The stubborn Pharaoh had hardened his heart again and would not let the people go. He had not learnt his lessons from the previous plagues that were dished out over Egypt by God through the hands of Moses and Aaron. This was one of the last and also one of the most dreadful plagues Egypt suffered because of Pharaoh’s refusal to let the people of God go.
The Bible tells us that the darkness was so thick that it could be felt. It was total darkness. It was scary blackness and dense darkness. We often read this account without really thinking about it and thus never really grasping the seriousness of this plague.
The Bible tells us that it was so dark that people could not see each other’s faces and no one got up from his or her place in three days. Not only was the light of the heavens or firmament totally clouded and covered, most likely fires and candles were put out as well by the heavy and damp vapors and fogs that made the darkness even more palpable. It was complete and terrifying darkness.
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. “
And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: “They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings” (Exo 10:21-23).
The situation in Egypt during this plague reveals the state of a man who continually rebels against God and His word. A life without God is one without light. It is a life in total darkness. But when one accepts Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, such a person is translated from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of light.
Egypt was covered in total darkness, “but the children of God had light in their dwellings.” This in itself is another miracle of miracles. Israel was dwelling in Egypt. The entire land was in darkness, unprecedented darkness that could be felt. But the children of God who were slaves in Egypt, in the small area they were confined to, had lights in their dwellings.
God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. The devil is the prince of darkness. He rules over the realm of darkness. The devil is evil and dwells in darkness; his, is the kingdom of darkness and in him, there is no light at all. His children walk in darkness and their eyes are evil.
For “if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Mat 6:23).
The darkness that blinds those who are not yet born of God, is as ominous and palpable as the one in Egypt. If you are a child God, you’re a child of the light. Walk in the light, abide with the Father of lights. And begin to partake in the inheritance of the Saints in the light.
Darkness has covered the whole land, but we the children of God have Light in our dwellings. Let us walk in that light, and let us shine that light for others to see. Let us attract those in darkness and bring them to the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the image of God. We must let our lights so shine before men that they will glorify our Father who is in heaven.
So Pharaoh called Moses and said, “Go ye, serve the LORD; only let your flocks and your herds be stayed: let your little ones also go with you” (Exo 10:24).
This plague really got to Pharaoh. He began to realize that the God of Moses was indeed higher than all his gods and controlled all of them. Egypt’s chief object of worship was the sun god. But the God of Moses had put Egypt in total darkness for three days, withdrawing the sun, and essentially controlling their sun god whom they worshipped so fervently. This was not only mentally and physically scary, but it also affected the spirits of the Egyptians to see how all their gods had been defeated and humiliated by Moses and the God of the Jews.
So, Pharaoh thought he could negotiate a partial release of the people of God. At first he had told them they could go worship God, but to leave their wives and children behind. Now, he felt defeated but still wanted to have something of theirs to hold on to.
Pharaoh told Moses that it was okay to “Go, worship the LORD! Even your women and children may go with you, but your flocks and herds must stay behind” (Exo 10:24, GW).
Pharaoh said it like he was doing them a favor. He said, you can go and worship God, and “even your women and children may go with you.” He said it like he was being generous by letting their wives and children go with them. They could now go with their wives and children, but all their livestock had to stay behind.
In the same manner the devil has negotiated with many of us, children of God, that it’s okay and enough that we are “saved” but that we cannot take and enjoy the inheritance of the Saints. He tells those believers, that those promises of God, like healing, prosperity, total deliverance from oppression and depression, authority over demonic spirits, indwelling fellowship, guidance, and power of the Holy Spirit, etc; are not for them. He lies and tells them that when the last of the original Apostles of the Lamb died, miracles died, healing ceased, and no supernatural intervention can be theirs from claiming the promises of God.
The sad thing is, that for the most part the popular church today has acquiesced and complied with the suggestion or cunning demand of the evil one, either directly or indirectly.
Four decades ago, I came out of a large denomination that believes exactly that. They believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but deny the power thereof. As for the second group, they believe the Gospel, preach and believe the power of God and the present day manifestations of the miraculous, but do not exercise their faith on the Word of God which they claim they believe. They believe in words only and no corresponding action along with their belief. But ‘believing’ without the corresponding action is not faith.
Abraham believed God had given him an heir in Isaac, who would become a father of innumerable multitude. Yet when God told him to go kill Isaac on Moriah, he didn’t hesitate. He believed that God is able, and that God would unfailing raise up Isaac from the dead after he had killed and offered his son as a burnt offering. He believed, but it became faith when he took the steps to kill his son. Infact, in his mind(and in the eyes of God), he already killed his son and already offered him as a burnt offering, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would return home with Isaac after the offering. And indeed, all the above happened as revealed in types and shadow of holy scriptures.
So, many of us today, as part of the popular church system claim we believe the power of God as
The truth is: (and sorry to say this) some of us who for years go from crusade to crusade seeking for a miracle to solve serious life challenges do not believe the Word of God or do not even know that there are promises left there for them by the Lord Jesus Christ to meet that serious need. They may say they believe, but it’s in words only. Like many in our large assemblies in the West today, they’re too busy to read the scriptures on their own and rarely pray or fellowship with the Holy Spirit. How then can they have faith, if there’s no Word in them from which faith is inspired. Many depend on what they hear from their pastors on Sunday. And their pastors, of course, will dump on them whatever their denomination, or theological seminary believes. And if this is not according to sound scriptural doctrine as revealed in scriptures by the Holy Spirit, the child of God’s belief will be based on the traditions of religious or pious men and not on the power of the Spirit of God.
Make a quality decision to seek God every day of your life.
Find out the promises of God.
Keep them in your heart. Start meditating upon them
Confession: “I will appropriate and enjoy all of God’s promises in my life, “not a hoof will be left behind”