Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
What is Faith?
The phrase “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for” from Hebrews 11:1 in the King James Version means that faith is the foundation or assurance of the things we hope for. In other words, faith gives substance or reality to our hopes, even though we cannot see them yet. Faith allows us to believe in the existence of things that are not yet tangible or visible in our current reality.
This verse is suggesting that faith is not merely a wishful thinking or a blind belief, but rather it is a confident trust in the promises of God or in the reality of something that has not yet been fully realized. It is through faith that we can hold onto hope and believe in the possibility of things that we cannot yet see or fully comprehend.
An Illustration of Faith
You have just finished praying. There’s an urgent need in your family, concerning which you earnestly sought the face of God. You know very well that your request is in line with the word of God, and you know in your spirit that it is His will to perform what you have requested. You have prayed and you believe that you received what you have requested from the Father. You just finished confessing with a heart full of faith, praising God and saying, “Amen, I believe I have received.” And the heavens say so.
But I need not tell you, my dear fellow believer, that there is usually a time interval between when you say “Amen, I believe I have received” and when you actually see the physical manifestation of your request. This time interval may be a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or even more.
The question is, in the interim, when we are between the “believe that ye receive” and the “ye shall have it,” what shall we do? How shall we behave ourselves during this time? What shall we hold on to before the physical substance we are hoping for arrives? In this article, we will reflect on how to behave during this time and what to hold on to as we wait for the physical substance of our hopes.
Faith is the Substance
The Greek word translated as “substance” in this verse, under consideration from the NAS Exhaustive Concordance Dictionary, means a support, substance, or steadiness. It is something substantial, and not some sort of hypothesis or theory. It is a proven fact, a support that rests upon the foundation of the Word of God.
The Amplified Bible renders this first verse of Hebrews 11 as, “Faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. (Faith perceives as real what is not revealed to the senses.)” So faith gives substance to what we’ve prayed for while it is not yet in the realm of the physical.
Faith is the Title Deed of Things Hoped For
The first verse of Hebrews Chapter 11 is powerfully conveyed in the Amplified Bible, which describes faith as the “title deed” of the things we hope for. This depiction paints a vivid picture of the concept of “substance.” For instance, if someone sent you a title deed to a 1000-acre property in the opulent San Fernando Valley of Southern California, you would become instantly wealthy. While you may not set foot on the property for several days or even weeks, you would know that the land belongs to you. Every time you gazed at the title deed, you would be reminded that you are wealthy, and you might even begin to behave like a rich person. It’s essential to note that although you haven’t yet physically seen the property, the title deed represents the substance of your ownership. Likewise, faith represents the substance of the things we hope for.
Faith is Not a Leap in the Dark
A man of God spoke of a little girl who was asked to define faith. “Well,” she replied, “faith is believing what you know ain’t so.” That’s what faith means to many people, including many churchgoers. They profess faith with their mouths, but do not think much of it in their hearts, and their actions reveal this. Down in their hearts and mind they think it’s some sort of a gamble. And therefore they cannot and will not stake their lives on it.
The eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews teaches us that faith is not a leap in the dark. It is not an unreal make-believe, but a well grounded substance and the assurance of that for which we hope but do not yet see.
Do Not Let Go of Faith, You Will Reap What You Hope For
Faith is the substance or the temporary placehold for the things you hope for before they become your physical reality. Faith is your assurance and it’s your ticket. Do not lose it, and do not give up your confidence. God, who has promised, is faithful. Hebrews 10:35-36 says: “Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised”
Scripture tells us in 1 John 5:14-15, that we can have confidence in God. It states that if we ask Him anything according to His will, He hears us. The passage goes on to say that if we know He hears us, then we are confident that we’ll have what we asked of Him.
Benefits of Knowing that Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped for
Knowing that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen can be a great encouragement for Christians. Here are some benefits of understanding this concept in the life of a Christian:
Stronger faith: Understanding that faith is not merely wishful thinking but a confident trust in the promises of God can strengthen a Christian’s faith. It can help them hold on to hope and receive the miraculous things in their lives beyond their comprehension.
Endurance: Realizing that there may be a time interval between when one prays and when they see the physical manifestation of their request can help Christians endure during difficult times. Knowing that faith is the substance that gives reality to their hopes, they can hold on to their faith and remain steadfast in their beliefs, and they will surely reap the reward.
Trust in God’s promises: Understanding that faith relies on the integrity of God and rests on the Word that He has spoken can help Christians trust in God’s promises. They can have confidence that God will fulfill His promises and be assured that He is faithful.
Hope: Faith will give Christians hope in difficult situations. Faith gives substance to hope, thus making hope more hopeful. They can trust that God will come through for them and that their hopes will be realized.
Overall, understanding that faith is the substance of things hoped for can help Christians have a stronger faith, endurance, trust in God’s promises, and hope.
The article explores the meaning of faith as described in Hebrews 11:1. Faith is seen as the foundation and assurance of the things we hope for, and it gives substance or reality to our hopes. While waiting for the physical manifestation of our requests, faith is described as a support, steadiness, and proven fact resting upon the foundation of the Word of God. The article emphasizes that faith is not a leap in the dark or a gamble but a well-grounded substance and assurance of what we hope for. The importance of holding on to faith is highlighted as the temporary placehold for the things we hope for before they become our physical reality.