In the twenty-seventh Chapter of the book of Psalms, King David decided to put seeking God first in the midst of his troubles. We all can do the same when life throws us unexpected challenges.
David came to God in a time of trouble and distress and placed his request before Him. As written in verse 4 of this psalm, David said to God: “One and only one thing do I ask of the Lord, and this one thing will I seek.” What is this one thing?
Below is David’s three-in-one request.
- First, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my Life.
- Second, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord.
- Third, that I may inquire in His holy Temple.
Eight Important Things to Remember
The scripture under discussion is an excellent reminder of the many benefits of seeking God and the associated rewards. It is worth noting that this psalm is applicable not only during difficult times but at all times. We can take steps to ensure our relationship with the Lord is intimate as we regularly seek Him for guidance.
In this article, we discuss eight important things to remember when seeking God, as discussed by David in Psalm 27:4.
1. Make Seeking God Your #1 Desire
Make seeking God your top priority in all things. Let it be your primary goal in life, and pursue it with all your heart, mind, and strength. Rejoice in God no matter what the circumstances are. Always be thankful for everything that has come into your life through Christ, whether good or bad. However, ensure it’s not the enemy taking advantage of you when in bad situation. Study the Bible and meditate to know God’s mind regarding every circumstance and  Do not forget that God has promised in the Bible to deliver you from all your adversaries. In addition, He will help you overcome them. His favour is upon you, and He will stand by you your whole life through. No need for despair.
Humble Yourself and Submit to God
The Lord that delivered Israel by the hands of Moses is the God of your salvation. Do not fear. Come before Him in humility, and accept all that Christ has done for you. Then start to enjoy the inheritance of the saints for all eternity.
Remember to humble yourself and earnestly submit to Him. After this, then resist the devil if the word or the Spirit of God reveals to you that he’s involved in your circumstance. Rebuke the devil in the Name of Jesus, and he will flee from you.
2. Why We Should Seek After God
Why should we seek after God? Because the scripture (Hebrews 11:6) tells us that God rewards those who sincerely seek Him. He defends, protects, fends for, and speaks to those who seek Him. Therefore, make time to be in God’s presence and listen for His voice. Offer up your heart and soul to Him in honest worship. In addition, the Lord Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
These are good reasons to seek after God! But the most important reason is that if you seek Him, you will find Him. And if you find Him, you will find peace, joy, health, prosperity, and rest for your soul. He will satisfy you with a peaceful and truly fulfilling life. Then finally, He will reward you with a crown of glory while living eternally with Him.
3. Trust in the Lord and Seek Him with All Your Heart
To trust in the Lord with all our heart is to believe He is good and faithful. We can trust Him because He always keeps His promises. His word is yes, and Amen. We can rely on His strength and power because He is the Omnipotent One. Because of this, we are sure He can and will help us overcome any difficulties in life. In addition, we will gain victory over the negative forces of this world. He is our refuge and strength, our present help in times of trouble and distress. Therefore, let us seek Him with all our hearts.
Dear friend, let’s ask ourselves this question: What do I seek? And what is my passionate desire?
Let’s examine ourselves on what our daily pursuits and principal passion are.
Seeking God should be our first and principal desire.
“One thing have I desired of the Lord, and that will I seek after.” What was David seeking after?  Was he seeking wealth? Or fame? Was he seeking some other greatness in the world?
Were any of these his principal desire?  No. David said: “that I may dwell in the presence of the Lord, all the days of my life.” What is your principal desire today?  The Lord is not telling us that having wealth, fame, or being great in this world is bad.  However, He wants us to seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness first. Children of God do not seek after things, or, should we say, are not to seek things. They do not spend their lives seeking and pursuing the things of this world with the heathen. They seek God and His Kingdom.
4. Dwell in the House of the Lord
You might ask, where is the House of God? In other words, we need to know where God dwells so we can go there and dwell with Him. The house of God is not a building made by humans. It is the spiritual Body of Christ. Â that global universal in space and time building of, eternal in the Spirit. It’s not physical, so you don’t need to travel to a place to get there. If you are born-again, you’re a part of His House. Peter tells us that each of us is a living stone in the Tabernacle of the Living God. And His Tabernacle includes His Throne, Temple, and His Residence.
This is a powerful call to dwell in the House of God. It means that we should consciously and experientially abide in God’s residence. Think of the princes of great kings who dwell permanently in the King’s palace. We are to dwell in the Palace and not be like a prince or princess living on the streets. When we dwell in His House, we enjoy royal protection, provision, defense, abundance, and kingdom authority.
5. Seek His Presence and Behold His Beauty
In a vision, Isaiah saw the Lord in His glory and in the beauty of His holiness.” In the year that king Uzziah died, I also saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. ….. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isa 6:1,3 ESV).Â
Immediately Isaiah saw God’s glory; he realized his uncleanliness and unworthiness. Â Then he said:Â “Woe is me, for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips.” As we draw nigh unto God and behold His face, our frailties and imperfections will be exposed by the Light of His holy Presence. All we need do is acknowledge our faults and uncleanliness before Him, for He, the Light of the world (John 1)has already taken care of them all for us.
In Psalm 27 verse 4, David the Psalmist desired to dwell in God’s presence. In other words, he desired to be close to God enough to behold His beauty and enjoy the goodness of His Presence. A man can dwell in the house of the Lord and yet not be close enough to see His face or be in His Presence. But the man who draws near to Him will see God’s face and enjoy the goodness of the Lord.
Psalm 91 details the blessedness of anyone who makes the Presence of God their dwelling. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). We enter the secret place of the Most High by personal prayer, worship, and communion with the Holy Spirit. God desires for us to abide there.
6. Ask for His Guidance and Direction
The third part of David’s three-in-one desire of Psalms 27:4 is to “inquire of the Lord in His Temple.” When we present ourselves before God Almighty, we can find His will for our lives. In the same manner, we can receive from Him, His plan for our families and nations. This is our opportunity to receive God’s guidance and direction. He desires to guide us in every step we take. We are the ones that are too slow to hear His voice. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14)
7. How We Should Seek God
Hosea in the Spirit said: “Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD.”
- First, Dedicate yourself to spending time in the presence of God and seek to know Him and understand His ways.
- Second, Pray in the spirit; Ask for courage and strength to continue your faith journey.
- Third, Believe that God is always with you; He will never leave or forsake you.
- Fourth, be patient while waiting for God’s response to your prayers.
- Fifth, Trust in the Lord and walk by faith even when life gets complicated and challenging.
- Sixth, Be persistent, keep thanking Him before you see the physical evidence of your prayers. Don’t give up.
- Finally, Seek a closer relationship with God through obedience and worship.
8. Benefits of Seeking the Presence of God Psalm 27
- First: Will produce confident Faith Psalm 27:13-“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.”
- Second: Dwell in His House Psalm 27:4 – “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; …” Ps 16:11.
- Third: Provision and protection in His House – “The Lord is my Shepherd”
Psalm 23:5
- Fourth: “Goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in God’s house forever” Ps 23.
- Fifth:Â Gain victory over the adversaries. Â Jesus ordained the twelve first to be with Him. Then, that He might send them forth to preach and have the power to heal and cast out devils. (Mark 3:13).
- Sixth:Â Get to know God firsthand. “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come…..”.
- Finally: Experience the glory of God. “For God, who said “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts. “This is so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Seeking God is vital to having a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. When we seek after His presence, it is important to keep in mind the things discussed in this blog. By seeking Him with our whole hearts, being still before Him, and listening for His voice, we will find Him.
As you continue on your journey of getting to know God more intimately, remember that He is always waiting for us to draw near to Him. May He grant us the courage to take these steps of faith and be filled with joy as we deepen our relationship with Him. As you meditate on this passage, may you be encouraged to seek after God and find refuge in Him. May you experience the depth of His love and the power of His presence as you walk with Him through each day.
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Further Reading:
- The People that Know Their God.
- I Know His Name
- You Can Be Led By the Holy Spirit
- We Walk By Faith | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)
- Faith Comes By Hearing | JESUS Is LORD (lift him up. site)